Thursday, August 11, 2011

Booking through Thursday 8/11/11

btt button 

It’s National Book Week. 
The rules: Grab the closest book to you. Go to page 56. Copy the 5th sentence as your status.
This meme is hosted by Booking Through Thursday. Post yours on the blog in the comments so people can go check it out.

Since I have mentioned both Spiral X and Demon Girl  in two posts already this week I am going to do mine on Swamplandia!  by Karen Russell which I just started.

"Her sisters were born the usual straw-yellow-banded black; they died later that same week, all thirty-one of them, of yolk sac infections."


  1. I haven't heard of this one before, but the cover looks fairly AWESOME! Also, the title totally rocks.

  2. I have not gotten very far in it but I have heard very good things about it
