Friday, August 12, 2011

WOW my First Blog Award Nomination!!

WOW, Thank you so much to Aparajita at Le’ Grande Codex for the nomination and for being the first on her list. I am so thrilled and thankful!

The rules for the acceptance: 

1. Thank the giver and link back to their blog giving them credit:
Follow them.

2. Leave your top 5 picks for the award and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog Have to have less than 200 Followers:

My Picks: 

Book Bitch @ BookBitchBlog 
 Gabbi @ Book Breather

3. Copy and paste the award to your blog if I picked you.

4. Have faith that your followers will spread the love to the other bloggers.

5. Most of all: support each other and have lots of fun!


  1. Oh wow Lex, thank you so very much, I am speechless, well not really lol I like to talk way to much, but really I am honored by your nomination, thank you so much, I have followed your blog which I like very much if you have twitter and f/b let me know so I can follow you there to :) Thanks again Lex.

  2. Ya, no problem. I love your blog so I was happy to nominate it! I don't have either Twitter of FB yet but I am working on it. I will let you know when I do.

  3. Thanks for the nomination :D I feel so special!

  4. I'm loving the set up you have here! Great job! Stay tuned to Reads, Reviews, Recommends. There are a bunch of new Review Requests coming in.

  5. Congrats on your award!

    Also, I’m a new follower—wonderful blog! Stop by my blog and follow me too? :)
